Sales Order Log

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This app keeps tracks of the changes made to the Sales Line.


Had you ever wandered what was the initial price or quantity you gave to a specific line in an order? Or maybe you simply wondered how many times you changed such order information and/or want to see the history of these changes? If so, this is the extension for you.

Current Situation

In your day by day activities when creating Sales Orders it may happen that we want to change some of the attributes that we have given to the order, whether it would be the price or the quantity it is something that happens many times. What can also happen is that we forget this changes and when they were made, which depending on the situations can lead to time being wasted.

Benefits of this Extension

With this extension you no longer need to keep track of changes being made to the Sales Order either in a piece of paper or hope to not forget about them, because this extension will do exactly that automatically. It will not only store the time and day in which this modification was done, but also the number of the order and the line of the order that was added or modified along side the unit price and quantity selected.

So, let's optimize your time and install SSL Sales Order Log, and concentrate your time in your core business.

Supported Editions

This app supports both the essential and premium edition of Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central, independently from the version.

Supported Countries

Italy, United States

Supported Languages

Italian (Italy), English (United States)

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